How to Design an Insurance App? Creating User-Centric Solutions

13minutes read
insurance mobile app design

Insurance apps have become indispensable tools for companies aiming to streamline their services and enhance customer engagement. A well-crafted insurance app design can simplify the complex world of the industry, offering users a seamless and intuitive experience from policy purchase to claims management. 64% of equity analysts say technology modernization is one of the most important cost transformation levers for insurers today. However, designing an effective insurance app is no small feat—it requires a deep understanding of user needs, industry trends, and technological capabilities.

Here, Gapsy’s experience, we'll cover all the essential parts of the topic. Let’s start exploring!

Insurance App Definition

An insurance app is a mobile application designed to facilitate various insurance-related tasks and services for policyholders. Insurance companies develop these apps to offer customers convenient access to policy information, claims processing, premium payments, and other services directly from their smartphones or tablets.

The common features you can find in an insurance app are:

  • Policy management;
  • Claims submission and tracking;
  • Policy documents;
  • Customer support;
  • Insurance quotes;
  • Safety and emergency assistance.

Insurance mobile app design is essential for the success and usability of applications. A well-designed app can greatly enhance the user experience, making it easier and more intuitive for policyholders to manage their insurance policies, file claims, and access important information.

Unique Features of Insurance App Design

Insurance apps have transformed how people interact with their insurance providers, offering convenience, transparency, and personalized experiences at their fingertips. These apps allow users to manage their policies, file claims, and even get instant quotes, all through a user-friendly insurance app UI. Let’s explore some of the unique features these applications provide.


Insurance apps' convenience is a game-changer. The advantages of incorporating accessibility features extend beyond mere inclusivity. They significantly enhance the overall user experience, making the app more intuitive and user-friendly for a broader audience. This universal design approach underscores the idea that accessibility is not an afterthought but an integral component of user-centric design, enriching the app's functionality and appeal.

Prioritizing accessibility in insurance apps reflects a company's commitment to social responsibility and user-centric design. In an increasingly interconnected and digital world, ensuring that digital platforms are accessible and inclusive is not just a matter of compliance with regulatory standards; it is a testament to a company's dedication to creating a positive and inclusive user experience. This commitment to accessibility can resonate profoundly with customers, fostering trust, loyalty, and positive brand perception while reinforcing the company's reputation as a socially responsible and inclusive organization.

Security & confidentiality

One distinctive feature that sets insurance apps apart is the implementation of robust security measures designed to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access or breaches. Insurance apps often store a wealth of sensitive information, including personal details, financial data, and medical records, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals. As such, incorporating state-of-the-art security technologies and encryption protocols is crucial to safeguarding user data and maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the app.

Insurance apps can differentiate themselves by adopting privacy-by-design principles, incorporating privacy-enhancing technologies, and implementing comprehensive data governance frameworks to ensure user data is collected, processed, and stored securely and compliantly. Prioritizing confidentiality helps insurance companies build trust with users, enhance transparency, and demonstrate their commitment to ethical data handling practices.

privacy by design principles
how to create a secure insurance app design?

Smart decisions

Guiding users to make smart decisions is emerging as a unique and invaluable feature in insurance app design, enabling insurance companies to deliver personalized recommendations, actionable insights, interactive tools, educational content, and user-friendly designs that empower users to make informed choices tailored to their needs and circumstances. 

Insurance apps can guide users to make smart decisions by incorporating interactive tools, calculators, and simulators that help users understand their insurance needs, evaluate various options, and make informed decisions. For instance, an app could feature an interactive life insurance calculator that allows users to estimate their coverage needs based on factors such as age, income, lifestyle, and financial obligations, enabling them to select an appropriate coverage level and policy term that aligns with their financial goals and life circumstances.

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Advantages of Creating an Insurance Application

Creating an insurance application offers many advantages for insurance companies aiming to modernize their operations, enhance customer engagement, and gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape. Some benefits stand out among others. Let’s discuss them.

insurance app benefits
advantages of insurance app

Smooth claims processing

Navigating traditional claims processing methods often presents challenges, consuming valuable time and causing frustrations for policyholders. These inefficiencies can adversely affect customer satisfaction levels and escalate administrative expenses for insurance companies. To address these issues effectively, developing a dedicated insurance app can be a transformative solution. 

By leveraging the capabilities of a custom-built mobile insurance application, policyholders gain the convenience of effortlessly submitting necessary documentation, monitoring claim progress in real time, and receiving timely updates. This streamlined approach accelerates claims processing times, elevates overall customer satisfaction, reduces administrative burdens, and fosters operational efficiency for insurers, ultimately driving business growth and competitive advantage in the digital age.

Real-time communication

Standard communication methods often need to be improved in facilitating efficient and timely interactions between insurers and policyholders, with reliance on customer service representatives for routine inquiries leading to extended wait times and decreased satisfaction. However, with the beginning of insurance app development, the landscape of customer communication is undergoing a significant transformation. A custom-built insurance application allows streamline real-time communication by sending policyholders important updates, policy information, and alerts. 

The integration of task management features within an insurance app empowers policyholders with the ability to independently manage certain tasks, such as policy inquiries and document submissions, reducing the dependency on customer support teams and alleviating the strain on operational resources. By offering self-service options through the insurance app, insurers can provide a more efficient and personalized service experience.

Data privacy

Ensuring data security and privacy is of paramount importance when managing sensitive insurance information. Insurance mobile app design is at the forefront of addressing these concerns by prioritizing the implementation of robust security measures, including advanced encryption algorithms, multi-factor authentication protocols, and secure data transmission methods.

These comprehensive security measures are designed to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of user data, mitigating the risks associated with unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. By demonstrating a steadfast commitment to data security and privacy, insurance mobile apps play a pivotal role in building and maintaining trust with policyholders.

Enhanced customer engagement

Insurance mobile apps serve as a valuable platform for establishing a direct and continuous connection with customers, facilitating personalized communication and real-time interaction. Insurers can cultivate a dynamic and engaging user experience that resonates with policyholders' preferences through the strategic deployment of personalized notifications, timely policy updates, and interactive features.

The integration of advanced analytics and customer relationship management tools within insurance app development further enables insurers to gain valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. This data-driven approach empowers insurers to tailor their communication strategies, personalize offerings, and optimize user engagement initiatives to enhance customer loyalty, foster long-term relationships, and ultimately drive higher retention rates.

Vital Insurance App Design Elements

To ensure the success and effectiveness of an insurance app, it is essential to incorporate design elements that cater to the user’s unique needs and preferences while aligning with the business objectives and industry standards.

Dashboard visualization

The dashboard is equipped with an intuitive circular graph that visually encapsulates contributions, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses, offering policyholders an immediate and comprehensive overview of their financial status.

insurance app design visualization
dashboard visualization example

This visually engaging representation simplifies complex financial information, enabling users to effortlessly interpret and understand their insurance coverage and financial obligations at a glance. By providing a clear and concise snapshot of contributions, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses, the dashboard facilitates informed decision-making, encourages proactive financial planning, and enhances user engagement and satisfaction with the insurance app.

Navigation ease

The navigation bar must be meticulously crafted with user-centric design principles in mind, featuring clear and recognizable icons that enable seamless navigation and intuitive interaction with the app's core features. This thoughtful design facilitates effortless access to key functionalities, allowing users to transition smoothly between different sections of the app without any confusion or navigation challenges. 

User-friendly and accessible navigation enhances the overall user experience, promotes engagement, and fosters a more enjoyable and efficient interaction with the insurance app, contributing to higher user satisfaction.

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Interactive elements

The inclusion of interactive tooltips, pop-up notifications, and contextual prompts in insurance app UI design enhances user guidance and support, providing users with valuable insights, tips, and assistance at key moments throughout their interaction with the app.

You can incorporate various interactive elements, including dropdown menus, sliders, and toggle switches, designed to provide users with greater control and customization options. These interactive features enable users to personalize their app experience, adjust settings, and access relevant information more efficiently, contributing to a more engaging, interactive, and user-centric design.

Information hierarchy

A well-defined information hierarchy organizes content and features in a structured and prioritized manner, ensuring that the most important and relevant information is prominently displayed and easily accessible, while less critical or secondary information is presented in a logical and intuitive sequence. 

This structured approach to content presentation and organization facilitates better information absorption, enables users to process and understand complex insurance terms, policies, and options more effectively, and empowers them to feel more confident navigating the app.

Color scheme & typography

When designing an insurance app, it is essential to opt for a cohesive and harmonious color scheme that aligns with the brand's identity, values, and target audience preferences. A balanced combination of primary and secondary UI design colors, complemented by neutral shades, can help create a visually appealing and harmonious interface that enhances readability, facilitates content comprehension, and improves overall usability.

A well-executed color scheme can enhance the app's usability by differentiating between different sections, categories, and interactive elements within the insurance app UI. By using contrasting colors, gradients, and visual hierarchy effectively, designers can guide users' attention, prioritize information, and facilitate effortless navigation and interaction, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and satisfaction.

Moreover, consistent and well-defined typography helps to create a clear visual hierarchy within the app, guiding users' attention to key elements, headings, and call-to-action buttons effectively. This structured approach to typography and content presentation enables users to navigate the app more intuitively, find relevant information quickly, and accomplish their tasks with ease.

Responsive filters

In the context of insurance apps, which often involve complex and extensive information related to various insurance products, coverage options, policy details, and pricing, responsive filters play a pivotal role in simplifying content discovery and facilitating informed decision-making.

Responsive filters contribute to the creation of a personalized and tailored user experience by enabling users to customize their search and exploration process, view relevant content, and focus on the most relevant to their requirements and preferences information. This personalized approach to content presentation and navigation enhances user engagement, fosters a sense of empowerment and control, and facilitates a more enjoyable and efficient interaction with the app, ultimately driving user satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.

Types of Insurance Applications

Insurance applications have become increasingly diverse and specialized, catering to a wide range of insurance products, services, and user needs. Here is a list of the most common insurance application types:

  • Life insurance solutions. These apps are designed for life and disability insurance coverage. 39.3% of new policies sold were term life insurance policies. They allow users to browse policies, estimate premiums, and apply for coverage via their smartphones. Users can also easily check policy details, manage beneficiaries, and access features like policy tracking and premium reminders. Advanced versions may include financial planning tools to aid users in making informed coverage decisions.
  • Health insurance apps. These platforms offer policyholders mobile access to healthcare services and expense management. The apps feature digital insurance ID cards, coverage verification, and in-network provider directories. Users can submit claims, track their status, and view policy details. Some apps also provide wellness programs, health tracking, and resources for preventive care, encouraging proactive health management.
  • Car insurance platforms. Vehicle insurance apps provide coverage and access to policy documents for autos via mobile devices. They offer features like emergency roadside assistance, claim submission and management, and reminders for coverage and premium due dates. Some apps include personalized savings based on good driving habits and driver behavior monitoring to improve the driving experience and road safety.
  • Property insurance apps. Insurance platforms for homeowners and renters allow clients to access policy documents, coverage details, and file claims via mobile devices. These apps enable documenting property inventory, streamlining claims for theft or damage, and receiving insurance offers. They may include weather alerts, security tips, and maintenance reminders to prevent risks and maintain property integrity. Additionally, they facilitate communication with insurance agents for timely assistance and issue resolution.
types of insurance apps
insurance apps types

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How to Design an Insurance App? Tips & Tricks

Designing an insurance app requires a blend of user-centric features and industry-specific functionalities. From intuitive navigation to secure data handling, crafting an effective insurance app involves careful planning and execution. This guide will help you create an efficient insurance app UI that meets the needs of both policyholders and insurance providers.

insurance app design process
tips for designing an insurance apps

Know your users

Understanding the user is a foundational step in designing an effective insurance app that resonates with its target audience. User research is pivotal in gaining insights into the demographics, behaviors, and pain points of potential users. This research helps in identifying the specific needs, preferences, and challenges faced by individuals when managing their insurance policies and claims.

Demographic information such as age, occupation, income level, and geographic location can provide valuable insights into the target audience's characteristics and preferences. Behavioral analysis helps in understanding how users interact with insurance services, their preferred communication channels, and the features they find most valuable in an insurance app.

Simplify the onboarding process

The essence of a successful onboarding process lies in its simplicity and intuitiveness. A minimalist user onboarding design approach with clean interfaces, clear instructions, and intuitive navigation can significantly reduce cognitive load for users. 

Progressive disclosure is another effective strategy to simplify the onboarding process in insurance mobile app design. Instead of bombarding users with a plethora of information and features upfront, progressive disclosure presents information gradually, guiding users through the onboarding journey step by step. This approach allows users to focus on one task at a time, making the onboarding process less daunting and more manageable.

Clarify the content

The intricate nature of insurance often involves a myriad of jargon, policy details, coverage options, and claim processes, making it challenging for users to navigate and comprehend. Therefore, a user-centric approach focusing on clear and concise content is essential to facilitate informed decision-making, enhance user engagement, and foster a positive user experience.

Organizing information in a structured and hierarchical manner is another pivotal aspect of content clarification. By employing headings, subheadings, bullet points, and well-defined paragraphs, designers can improve content readability and facilitate intuitive navigation. Clear distinctions between different sections and topics enable users to locate and access relevant information quickly and efficiently, thereby enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

Personalize the experience

One of the primary benefits of personalizing the user experience is the ability to offer tailored recommendations and suggestions based on the user's profile, preferences, and behavior. For instance, insurance apps can provide personalized policy recommendations, coverage options, and premium quotes based on the user's age, location, lifestyle, and risk profile. 

Companies that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue. Personalized content and communication are essential in engaging users and fostering a sense of connection and trust. Designers can use personalization to deliver targeted content, such as articles, tips, and resources related to the user's specific insurance needs and interests. Personalized notifications, reminders, and alerts can help users stay informed about important updates, deadlines, and opportunities relevant to their policies and coverage.

Create a policy-managing panel

The primary objective of a policy management panel is to provide users with quick and easy access to essential policy details and functionalities. Upon logging into the app, users should be greeted with a clear and intuitive dashboard that displays an overview of their active policies, coverage options, premium status, and recent activity.

Your insurance app design should allow users to access detailed information about each policy, including coverage limits, deductibles, exclusions, and terms and conditions. Additionally, users should have the flexibility to update their personal information, contact details, beneficiary information, and coverage preferences directly within the panel.

Integrate with third-party services

Integrating third-party services into an insurance app offers users a wider range of features and functionalities beyond the core offerings of the app. For instance, integrating with vehicle tracking and maintenance services can enable users to monitor their vehicles' health, receive maintenance reminders, and optimize their insurance coverage based on their driving behavior and vehicle usage patterns.

This feature can significantly streamline and automate complex processes such as claims processing, underwriting, and policy management. By collaborating with external providers specializing in AI-driven data analytics, document verification, and fraud detection, insurance apps can automate the claims validation process, expedite claim approvals, and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of underwriting decisions. Additionally, integrating with electronic signature and document management platforms enables users to sign and submit policy documents electronically, eliminating the need for manual paperwork.

Provide 24/7 customer support

According to Deloitte, 63% of responders find chatting via call or message in the app the most useful feature. Whether users need help understanding their policy details, filing a claim, updating their personal information, or navigating the app's features and functionalities, having access to 24/7 customer service ensures that they can receive immediate assistance and guidance, reducing frustration, improving user satisfaction, and enhancing their overall experience with the app.

Knowing that users can reach out to customer support at any time and receive timely and personalized assistance builds trust and confidence among users, reassuring them that their needs, concerns, and queries are valued and prioritized. As a result, users are more likely to engage with the app, renew their policies, and recommend the app to others, thereby driving user retention, satisfaction, and long-term loyalty.

Read also: How Much Does It Cost to Design a Mobile App?

Best Insurance Apps Design

The best insurance apps stand out not only for their functional capabilities but also for their innovative and user-centric design. Let's delve into some standout design features that make these apps a cut above the rest.

Root Insurance

Root Insurance is known for its innovative approach to car insurance, using telematics and smartphone technology to offer personalized rates based on individual driving behavior. The insurance app UI employs a clear visual hierarchy and consistent design elements, such as color schemes, fonts, and icons, to guide users' attention and create a cohesive and familiar user experience. Important actions and information are highlighted and easily accessible, helping users prioritize tasks and make informed decisions.

root insurance app design example
root insurance app design


Coverfox is an online insurance marketplace that helps users compare and purchase various insurance policies from different insurance providers, including car, health, life, travel, and more. The Coverfox Insurance app features interactive and responsive elements, such as sliders, toggles, and real-time feedback, that enhance user engagement and make the app more interactive and enjoyable. For example, the app uses dynamic quote calculators and comparison tools that allow users to adjust coverage options and instantly see how it affects their premiums, helping them make more informed decisions.

coverfox insurance app design
coverfox insurance app design

Marshmallow Insurance

Marshmallow is a UK-based insurance technology company offering car insurance policies for underserved markets. The Marshmallow Insurance app emphasizes security and trust by incorporating design elements that communicate the app's commitment to protecting users' personal and sensitive information. The app features secure login screens, encryption icons, and clear privacy policies, helping to build confidence among users and encourage them to use the app for sensitive transactions.

marshmallow insurance app design
marshmallow insurance app design

Final Words

Today, it's crucial for insurance companies to adapt and innovate their digital platforms to meet the changing needs and expectations of their policyholders. A high-quality insurance app design simplifies the process of purchasing and managing policies and plays a pivotal role in building long-term relationships with customers by offering convenience, accessibility, and peace of mind.

Partner with Gapsy Studio's expert design services to create an app that not only meets but exceeds user expectations. Check our portfolio and contact us to get started and transform your insurance app into a user-friendly, engaging, and secure platform that stands out in the market. Let's collaborate to make your vision a reality!

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